Friday, May 21, 2010

Mobile Phone Pouch "Cakum pakum"

Two days ago I made a mobile (cell) phone pouch for my cousin. He has a Samsung SGH i789 model and couldn't find the pouch he was looking for so I promised to make him one.

I started making it without much thought or planning from the beginning, thinking really that it will be a peace of cake. But it turned out to be harder then I thought. 

He bought a peace of black eco leather and wanted a simple pouch which will enable him to answer his phone quickly, unlike he could with his mobile/cell phone bag he had.

I've used the bag he had to make lining so that his phone could go in and out smoothly. 

After sewing all together I had a problem with ending bit. The problem was that my cousin was insisting on simplicity, and me being the way I am I wanted it to be creative, with some possible contrast etc.

So after much thinking and trying out, I decided to finish his mobile phone pouch with adding a string (from his previous bag) on the top of it.

I am very pleased how it turned out to look. It is simple as he wanted, but it is "cakum pakum".

You probably might be wondering what "cakum pakum" means so let me give you a short explanation. I heard that saying yesterday, after who knows how much time. It basically means perfect. I heard it a lot through my growing up. My mom used it when she would tell me to clean my room. She would say: "I want this to be 'cakum pakum' when I come back!". I never saw that phrase to be written down, so I had to do use it in my blog... and plus to make you richer of one more phrase in your life (even though not in your speaking language, but I am not sure which language this really is).


  1. Haha, i ja sam često slušala "cakum pakum", a dogodi se da i danas čujem koji. ;)
    A futrolica izgleda super!


  2. wow it's good - more ideas for your shop!


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