Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Inspiring My Best Friend

I am visiting my best friend who lives in a town nearby. I love her. I don't see her that often since she moved to another town, but I enjoy every time I do. 

This time I was on a mission to teach her how to sew. She got a sewing machine as a gift and she wanted to learn how to use it.

After practicing basics on the old fabric I decided to teach her how to make a flower. 

I can say that she caught it pretty fast. Of course, she is a very smart woman (soon to be married - how exciting!)

You see how she is making a straight stitch? What can I say? She is natural! :)

Ta daaaa! Flower is done and she is proudly showing it :) Exciting!

Her flower looks so pretty :) I am a proud friend :) She is all excited about sewing now. Since she is all into indoor decor she dreams to make fun curtains, table cloths and of course flowers that could be attached pretty much on anything :) 

After seeing some fun tutorial blogs and websites it was difficult for her to actually fall asleep last night 'cause she had all those ideas running through her head. :) This morning, after I asked her what was that she made last night, she answered: "Curtains!" :) He he, its fun to be creative and to inspire others to be creative as well.

Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.
1 John 4:7 


  1. those flowers are really cool - it looks great as a badge or brooch or whatever you call it.

  2. Cvjetić izgleda super! :)
    I čestitke tvojoj prijateljici na skorašnjoj udaji!


  3. Cvjetić super izgleda,tko bi reko da da ga je tvoja prijateljica tek naučila raditi!Svaka pohvala njoj a i tebi na ovako kretivnom blogu!!!Ja ne šivam,nisam u tom điru,ali nikad ne znaš,jako mi se dopadaju tvoje ideje pa sam te odlučula pratiti,škicnut te tu i tam:)


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